Printre asimptote si derivate si tot soiul de teoreme (da! teza la mate de maine e de vina :|) am mai tras cu ochiul si pe ici, pe colo, pe unde am aflat o veste zic eu buna (SUPER chiar). Despre ce e vorba?
Presupun ca v-ati dat deja seama ca vine de la Veronica Roth, autoarea seriei Divergent, serie din care la noi a aparut deocamdata doar primul volum. Nu va mai fierb atat si va las direct "Vestea cea Mare" ...:
Detergent, AKA Book 3
Now that many of you are finished with Insurgent, I am often asked when book 3 will be coming out. We still don't have an official month and day, but I do have more information-- book 3 is scheduled to release next fall, Fall 2013.
I know that's over a year away, and that seems like forever. The reason it's so distant is pretty simple: I need more time to write and edit and polish it, so that when you get it, it's the best book 3 I could possibly make it. The last thing I want is to feel like the last book in the trilogy needed just a little more time, and I'm sure you feel the same way, even if internally you are saying "OMG WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US, CRUEL AUTHOR?!"
Rest assured, internally I am saying "OMG why can't I stop time temporarily so that I can work while nothing changes around me?! And while I'm bemoaning the lack of impossible things in my life, why can't I teleport to Iceland and/or take some magical potion that keeps me from needing to sleep?!" Alas, I have neither time stopping devices nor sleep eliminating potions, and I just have to put my head down and work.
In the meantime, I will try to devise ways to make the wait seem shorter for you. Even if it involves more bathtubs full of mini marshmallows!
P.S. No, I still don't have a title to share with you guys. In my mind it is still Detergent.
Dupa cum, cu siguranta, v-ati dat seama (si imi cer scuze ca nu l-am tradus; sper ca tezele sunt o scuza buna :(), este vorba de cel de al treilea volum - si ultimul, din pacate - al seriei Diverget.
Acesta e posibil sa aiba titlul Detergent; pacat ca va fi lansat abia toamna viitoare :|:|
Sunt atat de incantata ca deja sunt vesti despre acest volum :X:X:X Pana atunci insa, abia astept sa apara Insurgent 8->!!!
Bun! Sper ca v-a bucurat vestea macar atat cat m-a bucurat pe mine! :)
Puteti avea rabdare pana in toamna lui 2013 ?/:)
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